e: info@myyorkshirerose.co.uk
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Why do I need a Will?
Statistics show that over half the UK population die without making a valid will - and also that 5.4 million people don’t even know how to make one. We want to change that.
*In 2019, 1,752 people died in car accidents in the UK that year. At least half of those were not likely to have a will in place. Therefore, at least two people per day leave their families to make some of the toughest decisions of their life whilst they’re grieving for their loved ones. Please don’t put your family in this position. We can help.
* According to the ‘Department of Transport Road Casualties in Great Britain: 2019 Annual Report’,
Your Children
Without a will, if you and your spouse were to both die, your children’s guardians would be chosen by a court. Your children could end up living a life you would not have wanted for them.
Not Married?
Not Married? Unmarried couples are not protected by the laws of intestacy. If one partner dies without a valid will, the other will not automatically inherit and to make a claim they would have to go through the courts with no guarantee of success. Make a will. There’s no reason to put it off when you never know what’s around the corner.
Will Writing
What is a will and why do I need it?
A Will is a legal document that expresses your wishes regarding distribution of your assets after your death and/or the care of your children.
A Will is the only way to ensure your wishes are carried out after your death. It allows you to name the people or charities you’d like to leave your things to when you die, choose who you want to look after your children and who will carry out the instructions expressed in your Will after your death.
Trust Will
A Trust is a legal structure that can be included as part of your Will to protect your estate for your loved ones.
Trusts can ring-fence business assets, finances and property.
They are most often used to safeguard against care home fees, remarriage, bankruptcy and business disposal but can also cover many other situations.
Protective Property Trust
Disabled Beneficiary Trust
Right To Occupy (Lifetime Interest)
Discretionary Trust
Lasting Power of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you (the donor) to appoint a person or people (the attorney/s) the power to help or make decisions on your behalf.
There are two main types of LPA:-
Property and financial affairs
Health and welfare
LPA’s are made when you have mental capacity, in preparation for when you no longer wish or are able to make decisions for yourself. This can save a lot of time and money because without this your family will have to apply to the courts to be able to act on your behalf, while in the meantime a stranger from social services will be in charge of your affairs.